The mission of the foundation is...
"To introduce young people to positive role models, who encourage youngsters to choose a healthy lifestyle for themselves, including the choice to refuse to use tobacco products."
This comprehensive Healthy Choices program consists of the following programs:
Healthy Choices School Assembly Program
Cowboy Fitness Programs for Kids
Cowboy Day Camp and After-School Programs
Billy the Bull - Healthy Choices On-line Book Series
Summer Reading & Fitness Programs
Healthy Tips for Kids with 52-topics - in print and audio versions
A Recreation Guide to encourage kids to - get outside - get active - get healthy
FREE Healthy Choices Resources for Kids, Teachers and Parents
"Cowboy Ted" Hallisey started this IRS 501(c)(3) organization with a goal of personally touching the lives of one million children in a positive and healthy way. To date - he has visited with 200,000 kids across the country to share his Healthy Choices program.